Welcome to Your
Journey of Becoming

I'm Skylar Liberty Rose, and I provide Sanctuary & Support for women in midlife and beyond who are ready to challenge limiting narratives about aging and embrace their continued becoming.


  • Visible (Video Version)

    The ultimate pro-aging program designed to help you ditch the shame about aging and embrace midlife as your most powerful chapter yet.

  • Visible (Audio Version)

    Exclusively available on Insight Timer. This easy-to-follow format allows you to discover pro-aging tips and tools at your own pace and convenience.

  • Aging Courageously

    A guide to goal-setting and purposeful living. Discover a world beyond ageist stereotypes and courageously shape the next chapter.


Here’s where you’ll find my pro-aging reels and posts. Much of my IG content is about why a culture of anti-aging is harmful, and how we can disentangle ourselves from it. Join me.


This where I share my personal docu-diary A Woman in the World: The Year of 50 for my paid subscribers. Sign up to receive it. It’s real, raw, and a true reflection of one woman’s (often messy) midlife journey.


This is where you’ll find all things audio, from my mediations to my talks and courses. I have a very special community there and you can be part of it.


This is my weekly round-up of six things to offer you sanctuary and support each Sunday. It’s one of my most popular shares and it’s more of a hug than an e-mail.


Here’s where you’ll find more of my pro-aging content, and the occasional lifestyle/behind the scenes share. Subscribe to get all the goodness.


are all of my pro-aging courses, as well as my blog. I’m also going to be launching online customized ceremonies very soon, a perfect way to find meaningful transformation in your midlife transition.

Curious to find out more about me and my story?

You can do that here.